The Return of the Japanese Chest…or is that the Phantom Japanese Chest…

Or The Japanese Chest Awakens? With apologies to George Lucas. In truth though, there are only three Star Wars films and they ended when I was eleven years old. So there.

IMG_8473Today I went down the street to visit my friend Claire who owns the local antiques/vintage shop called The Vintage Fox, where I previously bought this. What should I find on the pavement but the Japanese chest that had spent nearly sixty years in The Edwardian House!

You can see my post about the chest here.

IMG_8474I knew I should have held onto it! Claire said she bought it from a man who occasionally drops by to offload the odd piece. I had thrown the chest into our skip when we were starting Stage Two of the renovation in April/May this year and six months later it turns up here! As I laughingly told Claire, my builder used to refer to these individuals as ‘skip rats’.

4 thoughts on “The Return of the Japanese Chest…or is that the Phantom Japanese Chest…

  1. How funny that it should turn up again.
    Reading about the contents of the box on the old post makes me wonder what you did with the New Year’s poster.
    I’m glad to see you back, the last time I checked it said that you the blog had become private.

  2. Pingback: The Upcycling of the Japanese Chest | Edwardian House Renovation

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